Friday, January 16, 2009

Vice-free kids, don't we dream they are ours?

From TODAY, Voices
Friday, 16-January-2009

Drug and Alcohol-free kids... we would want them to be ours. We have our part to play...

Hong Kong, how it views the current recession

From TODAY, Business
Friday, 16-January-2009
Recession, and just as everyone is talking about it, here and there and everywhere, HK thinks aloud...
What's your view?

Their Own Websites... mine will be soon...

From TODAY, Tech
Friday, 16-January-2009

Don't we have many, many websites already? Well, a new website may be something to watch out for. Currently, I'm reading on how to leverage the internet on making some bucks, well, let's face it, some autopilot 24x7 money-earning webpage while you are going about your daily life - now that's something. That's my website, coming soon...

For now, read on. These guys have their own story to tell...

I'm aging... but why only physically?

From TODAY, Plus
Friday, 16-January-2009

We all sort of grow, one way or the other. The most obvious? Physically, well, at least this applies to don't 'interfere' with their nature's biological clock.

Other than that, read this guy's story on growing... older, that is.

Intimacy - Men Spell It Differently From Women

From TODAY, Voices
Thursday, 15-January-2009

Another area of personality, where the opposite sexes look at differently, perceive differently, and experience it differently.
A short article, but read on. It will help you, if not now, in the future...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Growing a Healthy Baby

From TODAY, Voices
Wednesday, 14-January-2009

Just when you think you knew everything about babies, here is one more advice, a tip that will be of much help... read on...

Crisis or not, we need more babies!

From TODAY, Voices
Wednesday, 14-January-2009

True enough, babies are needed, regardless of economic conditions. And many countries have suffered due to a very good population control.

Would SG be one of them?
Think of the inverted pyramid figure, that foretells the future of a country when the population is decreasing. Who will support our economy? Who will work in our offices? Our factories?

We won't know until then. Much more our children.

They may not be there at all...

Bed Bugs now in Buses?

From TODAY, Voices
Wednesday, 14-January-2009

Bed bugs tired of staying in bed, and now invading buses?

Anyway, the way I see it, the cause is the type of upholstery material used in the seats: easily absorbs sweat and is superior in retaining dust and dirt... not to mention commuters putting up their feet on the seats, and on some gruesome times, even put up their shoes on the seats supposed to be for commuters. Graciousness? Courtesy? I can't blame the bugs...

Health Woes Continue... in China

From TODAY, World
Wednesday, 14-January-2009

After all the melamine scare and lead contamination woes, here is another area of health problem being discovered...

How Your Child Learns: Learning Preferences

From TODAY, Voices
Tuesday, 13-January-2009

Time and again, this learning styles crop up. One book that used the term "preference", rather than "style", is Read Right, by Dr Dee Tadlock. It was pointed out that we learn in all these ways, but we prefer one or two ways. Anyway, read on.

WARNING! Beware of Internet Predators!

From TODAY, Voices

Monday, 12-January-2009

Parents and Teachers on Nurturing Kids

From TODAY, Voices

Monday, 12-January-2009

After many comments, here are some more. I agree with these... so true!