Friday, June 12, 2009


Detail from Study mural in lunette from the Fa...Image via Wikipedia

By Dr James Dobson

What's the primary reason for failure in secondary school?

According to many teachers, the answer is not laziness or poor study skills. The main reason for failure in secondary school is poor organisation.

An achieving student's file is organised with dividers and folders for handouts and assignments.

A failing student's file is most often a mess of jumbled papers, if he even uses a file at all.

Educational expert Cheri Fuller says it's a skill that should be taught early, even before students reach secondary school. It takes a good degree of organisation to keep them all straight and to prioritise assignments. They need training and other organisational skills such as planning to complete long term assignments a little at a time.

This kind of exposure and training can help a flighty adolescent become a self-disciplined and self-propelled individual in time. Organisation. It is one very important key to success in school.

From TODAY, Voices – Thursday, 11-Jun-2009

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