Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Mind of Their Own

Christ In the House of His Parents, John Evere...Image via Wikipedia

By Dr Bill Maier

It doesn't take new parents long to discover that kids like to make their own decisions.

They always have strong ideas about when they should eat, sleep or play. And that's a good thing.

Parents would worry about them if they didn't show signs of individuality.

Kids need to learn to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

The downside is kids don't always make the best decisions.

Sometimes they choose to obey; other times they choose to rebel.

Primary schoolers don't always do their homework, and teens don't always obey their curfew.

That's why parenting by trying to control doesn't work.

Instead of forcing them to obey, we need to instill in them a desire to be obedient.

And that's done through developing a loving, caring relationship from the earliest age.

From TODAY, Voices – Thursday, 30-Jul-2009

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