Monday, September 28, 2009

Teaching Children to Work

Children in Khorixas, NamibiaImage via Wikipedia

By Dr James Dobson

Why do some children love to work, and others get depressed just thinking about it? Generally speaking, children learn what they have been taught.

Some well-meaning parents think childhood should not be encumbered by work. But, if children aren't at least exposed to work at a young age, they may fail to develop the persistence and initiative required for successful living.

Author Jean Lush says household chores should be divided into two general categories: Routine contributions and extra jobs. Routines, such as making beds or emptying dustbins, should be part of children's unpaid responsibilities.

But extra jobs should provide opportunities to earn additional money. Furthermore, children learn by imitation, so concentrate on hands-on instruction.

Working with an adult is the most enriching form of play for a child when handled correctly. Of course, teaching children how to work is itself difficult for parents. But the benefits of your time and effort will be evident when your child is productive and responsible later on.

From TODAY, Voices – Tuesday, 01-Sep-2009

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