Friday, March 07, 2008

God's Voice



I have two sons who are now grown. When they were

little, every night I would hold them and rock them in

my favorite rocking chair, tuck them into bed, and say

their prayers with them. And then I would say positive

affirmations to them such as, “I am so glad that God

sent you to be a part of our family,” “I am so proud of

you,” “I love you devotedly,” “You are very important

to me,” and so on.


I would often whisper these positive affirmations in

their ear while they were sleeping. I didn’t know if this

ever had any influence on them or did any good, but I

knew it wouldn’t hurt them.


I love to tell how, early one morning about 5 a.m., I

slipped quietly into my youngest son’s bedroom through

his open door. I was certain he was asleep -- as he looked

like an angel -- so I leaned over and whispered in his ear,

“O beloved of the Lord.”


As quick as a flash he spun his head around and, looking

upward, said, “Is that you God!?”


I was totally taken aback, but when I regained my

composure, I whispered again in his ear, “No, it’s not

God, but he sent me to tell you that.”


On another occasion this same son was very upset with

me and blurted out, “Why did you have me anyhow?”


And as quick as a flash I replied, “Because you are a part

of God’s eternal plan.”


And he is. And so are you. And so am I. And that’s why

we are here on earth.


And as God wanted my son to know that he is beloved

of the Lord God, he wants you to know the same truth.

No matter what you have ever done or have failed to

do, God loves you totally, absolutely, and unconditionally.

If you haven’t already done so, I trust and pray that you

will realize this today!


To know God and discover his love for yourself,

click on


Suggested prayer: “Dear God, please help me to see

and remove any blocks in my life that may be stopping

or hindering my being fully open to your love. Help me

to accept your love and, in turn, communicate it to every

life I touch. Gratefully, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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