Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Your Family as a Hot-Air Balloon

2006 Ojiya Balloon Festival (2006年おぢや風船一揆)Image via Wikipedia

By Dr James Dobson

Is your family soaring above the clouds right now, or are you weighed down by activities, appointments, and acquisitions?

My friend tells the story of the first hot air balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean. When the men piloting the magnificent balloon were just off the coast of Ireland, they became caught in a heavy cloud cover and ice began to form on the balloon's outer shell.

They lost altitude, dropping quickly. The crew did everything they could to save the balloon. Finally, at nine-hundred metres, they broke through into sunlight.

Something like this scenario is repeated in far too many homes today. Our altimeter says we're sinking because we continue to add activities and stretch ourselves to the limit. Instead of adding, there's a time to cut back, to spend more time at home.

Then we can soar above the clouds, unencumbered by the things that weigh us down.

From TODAY, Voices – Thursday, 01-Oct-2009

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