Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Comparing Yourself with Others

From FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, Today, 28-May-2008 edition


Comparing Yourself with Others

By Dr James Dobson


Someone once said: “Comparison is the root of all inferiority”.

How true that is. When you look at another person’s strengths

and compare them to your own weaknesses, there is just no way

to come out feeling good about yourself.


I once spoke to a group of teenagers at a conference and

I’ll never forget a question posed by one young man. He asked:

“It seems that everyone has more to offer than I do. I envy guys

who are better-looking, more athletic, or smarter than I am.

How can I deal with my own insecurities?”


The problem he was describing is a common one among

young men and women. Even at a young age, our self-images

are shaped by how we stack up against our peers. It’s not

how tall we are that matters – it’s who is the tallest. It’s not

how fast we can run – it’s who runs fastest.


Thus begins an adolescent pattern of self-doubt that can become

all-consuming. The answer I gave that young man is one that

many teenagers need to hear: When you pit yourself against

the best and brightest, you are merely setting yourself up

for failure. Mental health begins with an acceptance of life

as it is and a willingness to make the most of the unique

strengths and talents you’ve been given.

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