Friday, February 29, 2008




“So if the Son [of God] sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

(John 8:36, NIV)


As citizens of the U.S.A. celebrate their Independence Day,

I am reminded of one of Chuck Colson’s messages. He wrote how

Victor Frankl knew first hand the terror of being imprisoned in

Nazi concentration camps -- including Auschwitz -- for three

horrific years! He survived but his wife, parents, and brother didn’t.


Understandably, he emerged bitter and broken, longing for a better world.


Following the war he came to the U.S.A., and when his ship sailed

by the Statue of Liberty, you can imagine his excitement about being

in a free country.


After he had traveled across America and reached the West Coast,

he suggested that another statute by placed in the San Francisco bay

and be named: “The Statue of Responsibility.”


Good point. Frankl knew that freedom without responsibility

was dangerous. In fact, freedom or liberty without responsibility

becomes license.


For those of us who live in a free country, we have so much to be

grateful for. May we never take our freedom for granted and always

live and act responsibly in every area of our life. And for all of us

who are Christians we can thank God, even if we aren’t free outwardly,

that we can find freedom within in our spirit, freedom from guilt

because of God’s gift of sins forgiven, and freedom regarding

the future, knowing that God has a home in Heaven for us

where there will be no more bondage physically, emotionally,

spiritually -- or in any other way!


Suggested prayer: “Dear God, help me always to be thankful

for all the wonderful blessings you have given to me even when

all seems dark and hopeless around me. And as a Christian

I thank you for the freedom I have in Christ knowing that

my sins are forgiven and you are preparing a home for me

in heaven. Gratefully in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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