Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reconnect with Family Night

From Focus on the Family

Having trouble remembering what your teenager looks like? Maybe it’s time to rein in their busy schedules and preserve a little family time.

With all the activities available to children these days it’s easy for families to lose touch. Children are so busy with sports, art lessons, ballet and dozens of other extracurricular activities that many families can’t remember the last time they sat down for a meal together.

But family times are important to a child’s development and as parents, it’s our job to see that they get scheduled. Why not pick one night of the week as a regular family night? Maybe you could go out to dinner — somewhere away from phones and other distractions — and use the time to relax and reconnect. Try going on a hike or a picnic together. Or maybe you could just set up chairs in the park. Whatever it takes to keep the family unit together and well connected.

But if you don’t put it on the schedule, it may never happen. Put a family night on your schedule today.

From TODAY, Voices - Friday, 27-Aug-2010

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