Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don’t kid with your child’s behavior

Parents and childImage via Wikipedia

By Dr Bill Maier

A lot of defiant behaviour is caused by parents who simply don't know how to discipline. But there are times when parents do all the right things yet still can't seem to keep their kids in line.

In these cases, it's usually one of two things at work — either the child is extremely strong-willed, or they're struggling with some type of undiagnosed disorder, like ADHD or Bipolar syndrome.

The truth is, kids who suffer from ADHD or some other developmental disorder simply don't respond to normal parenting techniques. They're not bad kids, and they're usually just as frustrated as their parents.

If you're concerned about your child's behaviour, have them tested by a licensed professional.

If they're diagnosed with a disorder, there are extremely effective treatments available. It could make all the difference in the world — both to you and your child.

From TODAY, Voices – Tuesday, 25-Aug-2009

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