Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Preparing for a New Baby

Pregnancy  2007 - 16.jpgImage by Brew*Crew via Flickr

By Dr Bill Maier

So, how would you feel if your husband brought home another woman?

Believe it or not, that's how many kids may feel when a new baby arrives home from the hospital.

When young kids struggle with jealousy over a new baby in the house, there are some things you can do to reassure them they haven't been replaced.

First, start preparing them during your pregnancy, and make them feel a part of it.

Tell them how much you're going to need their help with the new baby.

Second, make sure your older children are part of the new baby pictures in the hospital room.

Dad should have a gift for them to give to their new little brother or sister.

Next, remind them of all the things they can do that the baby is too little for, like feeding themselves, or staying up a little later before bedtime.

And finally, when your family makes over the baby, make sure they remember that you have other kids as well.

From TODAY, Voices – Monday, 27-Jul-2009

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