Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Learning to Fight Fair

SweetheartsImage by adwriter via Flickr

By Dr James Dobson

Since there's conflict in every romantic relationship, learning to fight fair just might be the most important lesson any couple can master.

There's a real difference between healthy and unhealthy combat in marriage. And everything depends on the way disagreements are handled.

In an unstable marriage, hostility is usually meant to hurt and it's often directed at the soft underbelly of the partner's ego.

On the other hand, healthy conflict remains centered on the immediate problem at hand. For example: "It upsets me when you don't tell me you'll be late for dinner."

Can you hear the difference? Even though the subject matter might be equally emotionally intense, the focus is on the specific problem in the relationship and not on what you perceive as a basic personality defect of your mate.

When couples learn this important distinction, they have the freedom to disagree and work through conflicts with their dignity still intact.

From TODAY, Voices – Friday, 24-Jul-2009

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