Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Pro 11:24  One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.


Today, I came across this passage in my morning devotion, and the Lord has reminded me again that I don’t own anything – I am but a steward. And with that passage, He reminded me of the joy He gives when I give of what I have.

1.       I give of what I have, and acknowlege that what I have is not mine; it is from the Lord.

2.      I give to others to share with them what the Lord has given me.

3.      I give to other people, especially children – they are pure in receiving and giving thanks.

4.      I give; I can only give what I have. Else, I cannot have what I keep.

5.       I give, and I experience the joy of giving.

6.      I give, no matter the size or amount. It simply is priceless; nothing compares.

7.      I give; there is no guarantee that if I withhold, what I keep will be sufficient to meet my needs. But if I give, it helps as well the other person.

8.      I give; I may only have one chance to be of help to a particular person – and I won’t miss it.

9.      I give; someday I will be in need myself. Surely God will remember, and touch others to meet my needs.

10.   I give, as and when asked, or when I see the need. How it helps the other person, only God knows!

11.   I give; God guarantees a full and flowing barn – always full and always flowing, flowing to me and to others as well.

12.   I give – I follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father of selfless giving.


As I open my hands in giving, God is opening and preparing my heart to receive His next blessings.

Soli Deo Gloria!




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