Friday, August 07, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

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From Dr James Dobson

A mother once related an incident which occurred when she was taking her three-year-old son to a nursery school for the first time.

Another mother was also arriving with her twin girls, and as they walked into the centre, the director just got very excited about the beauty of the little girls. "Oh, my!" she said, "Your girls are just gorgeous!" Well, the first mother said that there were 15 other children who were standing around the room, watching and listening to their teacher, and you can believe they learned something that day, about the values of the culture. A bright preschooler is fully capable of thinking, "No one ever says that to me. It must be important to be pretty." Indeed, research has demonstrated that by the age of three, those who are physically attractive already enjoy greater popularity among their peers. Those youngsters who are not admired by their peers are often troubled by that fact from very early in life.

Cruel voices whisper their evil messages in their childish ears. "The other children don't like you. See, I told you you'd fail. You're different. You're foolish. They hate you." This is the prelude to a stormy adolescence in many cases, and it's produced by a culture that awards great value to some human beings and unabashedly withholds it from others.

From TODAY, Voices – Thursday, 06-Aug-2009

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