Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chart Your Marriage Course



From TODAY, Voices

Monday, 23-February-2009


By Dr Bill Maier


Do you have a plan for your marriage? Too many couples idle through life without ever thinking about what they want out of their relationship and how to get there. But setting goals is important in every area of life – and what’s more important than your marriage?


My good friends, Drs Les and Leslie Parrot, encourage couples to “chart a course” for their marriage and here are just a few of the ideas they recommend.


Sit down each year and discuss your goals for the year to come. Write out what kind of relationship you want to have as a couple. List those things about yourself and your marriage that you want to change, and how you plan to change them.


Use this as your “marriage mission” statement for the coming year, and post it in a visible place. What better way to keep your marriage focused and on track?


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