Wednesday, April 07, 2010

When You Have ADHD Kids

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I don't have ADHD kids, and while I may say that I empathize with parents who do, I can't really wear their shoes. Nor am I a trained professional who can help in more ways than I usually can. But with what I can, I post this article. An Ezine article original, may this short writing bring help to those who need it most.
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Dealing With ADHD Kids

Dealing with ADHD kids is one of the most difficult challenges any parent will face. They are a handful, taking unnecessary risks and showing an seemingly endless array of impulsive behavior. They typically underachieve academically as well, presenting an additional layer of parental challenges. But where does a parent start when attempting to find solutions to these very difficult challenges?

The first thing is to recognize that it is not anything you did wrong as parent that caused your child to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain Resent research has revealed the condition is often times inherited, and is a biological imbalance in neurotransmitter balance and interactions in the brain. The two primary neurotransmitters thought to be at the root of ADHD are dopamine and norepinephrine, with different symptoms appearing and disappearing as the imbalance changes or evolves. The bottom line is that you're ADHD child/children are unique individuals who simply look at the world in a different way. Some of these kids, after graduating into adulthood, have described their school experience as a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

As a parent dealing with ADHD your goal must be to help that square peg fit into the round hole rather than changing all the pegs to round. Yes, these children have special challenges such as being easily distracted, not being able to concentrate on projects they don't find stimulating, inability to follow through on tasks, absentmindedness, and hyperactive behavior that can rattle even the most level headed school teacher or parent.

One idea for dealing with ADHD kids is for the parents to consider taking a parent training class. Parent training offers a combination of therapies such as supportive therapy, skills training, behavior modification, and psychoeducational training. Helping a parent understand these therapies for dealing with ADHD kids will assist parents in learning how to better work with your child, and reduce the problems he/she has to deal with. The skills parents will learn in this type of training are particularly important if you have ADHD as well; parents with ADHD often have difficulty with self discipline and organization, and they may have been poorly parented themselves if their parents didn't know much about the condition.

Additionally, many parents have found that a combination of parental training and natural ADHD homeopathic remedies to be a powerful one two punch for knocking out ADHD symptoms and providing their child with the best opportunity for a happy and successful life moving forward.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

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1 comment:

Kimberly said...

There are two things that are the basis: Family history (The mental and physical health of the child's parents and other family members can be relevant, particularly regarding the incidence of ADHD or depression.) and social environment (the family's social circumstances, such as housing, poverty, and social support may all have an impact on the child's behaviour.)
The condition becomes intensified when they suffer from ADHD at college. That is when they can truly realize that they might not achieve the same goals as their friends. But that is not true, and I believe that with some therapy, things can change.