Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taming mealtime Madness

Green common beans on the plantImage via Wikipedia

By Dr James Dobson

If you've ever been around young kids at the dinner table, you know what a hassle it can be to get them to eat.

The dinner table is a major battlefield of childhood, especially during the toddler years.

But it doesn't have to be.

A mother is in a powerless position when she puts four green beans on a fork and resolves to sit there until her son or daughter eats them.

I recommend that you simply place good foods before him cheerfully.

If he chooses not to eat, then smile and send him on his way.

Sooner or later, he'll get hungry enough to eat. Don't permit snacking or substituting sweets for nutritious foods, and don't fear the physical effects of hunger.

Just wait for that wonderful physiological process called hunger to take over, and then you'll turn mealtime madness into peace and tranquility.

From TODAY, Voices – Wednesday, 16-Sep-2009

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