Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Junk Food for Toddlers

Chips (BE), French fries (AE), French fried po...Image via Wikipedia

By Dr Bill Maier

I've heard of starting babies on solid foods too early — but starting them on French fries?

Researchers recently studied the eating habits of 3,000 babies between the ages of four and 24 months.

What they found was alarming. A significant number of those kids had diets high in fat, sugar and salt. A lot of parents were giving their babies junk food like French fries and pizza, even before the age of two!

Soda was served in baby bottles to kids as young as seven months!

A one to two-year-old infant needs about 950 calories a day, but the survey showed most were averaging well over 1,200 calories! As parents, it's our job to help our kids develop a taste for healthy foods, especially when they're young.

From TODAY, Voices – Wednesday, 23-Sep-2009

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