Friday, September 04, 2009

Pick-up Days

Trash Bag (くずかご; Kuzukago) : Cleanliness and u...Image via Wikipedia

By Dr Bill Maier

Are you tired of watching your kids clean their rooms with a shovel? Getting some kids to clean their rooms is like asking the sun to rise in the West!

They can be straight-A students, but their bedrooms look like a war zone! Some parents throw their hands up and say: "Well, it's their room, and if they want to live that way, so be it."

But I'm not sure that's the best approach.

A clean room is often a sign of respect for self and others. And every child should be held to a certain level of neatness, even if it's just "acceptable".

One good approach is to set clear rules regarding cleanliness. You might post a memo on the fridge that every Tuesday and Saturday are "Pick-up days" and nobody eats dinner until their rooms are in order; then stick to it.

Most kids won't be as concerned about corners as you are, so don't demand perfection. As long as they dig out the shovel and make a serious effort on a regular basis!

From TODAY, Voices – Thursday, 13-Aug-2009

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