Friday, July 10, 2009

Your Child’s Learning Style

Typical elementary school classroom.Image via Wikipedia

By Dr James Dobson

Do you know your child's learning style? It's easy to determine, and knowing that can help you communicate better. Cheri Fuller defines three learning styles.

Many children are visual learners. That is they learn mostly by looking and seeing. And they have an easy time visualising things. Other children are auditory learners. They learn best by hearing information and verbalising it.

The third type and perhaps the least understood, is the kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learners need to touch and feel and handle things. However, this type is most at risk in school because the classroom experience is usually targeted for visual and auditory learners.

Sitting at a desk all day is a stressful experience for kinesthetic learners and their restlessness is often diagnosed as a behavioral problem.

Watch your child for a week or so. Know your child's learning type and use that as a channel to communicate what you want to teach him.

From TODAY, Voices – Friday, 10-Jul-2009

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