Wednesday, July 01, 2009

How Not To Discipline

The Fury of Athamas by John Flaxman (1755-1826).Image via Wikipedia

By Dr Bill Maier

The most common error parents make when disciplining their kids is disciplining out of anger.

Imagine a police officer who tried to keep people from speeding by simply getting angry at them.

He could stand on the street corner and yell as they passed by, trying to convince them to slow down.

He could even jump up and down and turn blue in the face with anger, but would anyone really listen?

We pay attention to him because he has the authority to pass out tickets.

That's how parenting is. If you want to change a child's behaviour, you do it through clear consequences, not through anger.

You calmly explain the offence, and then enforce the punishment.

It's the only effective method of raising disciplined kids.

From TODAY, Voices – Wednesday, 01-Jul-2009

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