Friday, June 26, 2009

Love is a Rose

By Dr James Dobson

One of the great myths about love is that if a couple is genuinely in love, that condition is permanent and will last a lifetime.

Love, even genuine love, is a fragile commodity.

Like more than one popular song has said, love is like a rose. It must be carefully maintained and protected if it is to survive. Love can easily be overcome by weeds of a busy life.

When a husband or wife works seven days a week, when there's no time for romantic activity, when they forget how to talk to each other; then love can die.

During the early days of my marriage to my wife, Shirley, I was working full-time, and trying to finish a doctorate at USC. Shirley was teaching and maintaining our home. I realised what this busy lifestyle was doing to our relationship. We still loved each other but it had been too long since we felt the warmth and closeness. I pushed my textbooks aside and we went for a long walk. The following semester I carried a very light load in school and postponed my academic goals so as to preserve my marriage.

Where does your marriage rank on your hierarchy of values? Does it get choked out by the weeds and stray branches of your busy schedule? Or is it a rare rose of great worth to be preserved and gently tended? Maybe it's time to do some marital gardening.

From TODAY, Voices – Friday, 26-Jun-2009

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Anonymous said...

Great post, what you said is really helpful to me. I can't agree with you anymore. I have been talking with my friend about, he though it is really hrsaccount interesting as well. Keep up with your good work, I would come back to you.

PrfyVdlx said...

Are you also married and have experienced this phenomenon (I call it that) first hand? I'd like to hear more from you, so will wait.
Thanks for your comment.