Tuesday, July 15, 2008



TODAY Monday July 14, 2008


By Dr Bill Maier


If you have planned to quit procrastinating, just have not got around to it yet, here are some tips you might want to consider.


Procrastination is a mental barrier that needs to be mastered before we can really put our lives in order.


And overcoming it is done through a series of simple but tough steps.


Stop making excuses. If your bills are constantly late, it’s not the fault of the bill collectors, it’s because you choose to put off paying them.


Schedule a time each month to sit down and deal with them — and put it on your calendar.


Learn to delegate. Often procrastinators are people who take on too many tasks, and then nothing seems to get done.


If your laundry is piled to the ceiling, assign the task to one of your children. Always finish what you start.


It takes a conscious decision to push through a task until it’s finished, but the satisfaction you feel later is well worth the effort.

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